Become a member

Why become a member?

Becoming a member is about making your voice count and having an impact on the health of your community.

In addition, when you become a member of Entity 3, you enable the organization to give greater weight to its recommendations to health system authorities, such as Health Ontario, and to health service providers.

The more Francophones who rally to the cause of French-language health services, the more support Entité 3 is able to garner for planning the active offer of quality French-language health services in the territory we serve.

Being a member of Entity 3 allows you to :


Voting at General Meetings


Serving on the Board of Directors


Make your voice heard by taking back the health care system

Becoming a member of Entité 3 means :

  • Free
  • Gratifying
  • Simple


1 Yonge Street, 3014
Toronto, ON M5E 1E5


L – F: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm




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